

News Release

June 3, 2024
Dr. 安东尼•李 aleigh@hawks.shuguangprinting.com



  • Matt Bowes ‘15 and his wife, Molly, 迎来了一个女儿, Winona Jane Bowes, in May 2024.
  • Dr. Dexter Dean ‘13 and his wife, Sara Beth, 迎来了一个女儿, Margaret Reese Dean, in April 2024.
  • Rease Noble ‘20, and his wife, Emily, welcomed a son, Corbly Adam Noble, in March 2024.
  • Joey Peacock ‘15 and Ebony Walton welcomed a son, Jett Lenyx Peacock, in May 2024.
  • Jeff Reamer ‘09 and Jessica Reeves Reamer ‘09 welcomed a son, Oaks David Reamer, in April 2024.
  • Jake Rhodes ‘17 and his wife, Emily, 迎来了一个女儿, Ava Kathryn Rhodes, in May 2024.
  • Preston Samoden ‘20 and his wife, Mallory, welcomed a son, Colt Tatum Samoden, in May 2024.
  • 12届的阿曼达·休斯顿·图尔和她丈夫, Brooks, 迎来了一个女儿, 波莉·玛丽·图尔, in May 2024.


  • 2024年5月4日,16岁的乔琳·乔治与德鲁·纳尔逊结婚.
  • 23岁的麦克·赫什于2024年5月25日与马利·普林斯结婚.
  • 21岁的玛格丽特·罗兹与迪伦·诺顿于2024年5月18日结婚.
  • 2024年5月18日,20岁的布莱斯·席勒斯与玛丽·奥尔斯顿·伍兹结婚.


  • Abrianna Davis Banks ‘23 completed a master’s degree in accounting at Alabama State University.
  • Mary Curtis Barganier ‘23 completed a master’s degree in anatomy from Tulane University.
  • Bailey Scott Bateman ‘14 completed a master’s degree in health administration from Ohio University.
  • Jessica Bradley ‘19 completed a master’s degree in integrated marketing communications from the University of West Alabama.
  • Lyndi Bradley ’15 completed a doctorate in educational leadership and policy studies with a focus in higher education from Florida State University.
  • Erin Brenner ‘21 completed a master’s degree in athletic training from Ohio University.
  • 21岁的Lucy Burch在杜克神学院(Duke divinity School)获得了神学硕士学位.
  • Dr. Alexis Creasman Cosby ‘19 completed a doctorate of veterinary medicine at Auburn University.
  • Keirstin Cramer ‘22 completed a master’s degree in general science and secondary education from Auburn University.
  • Dr. Peyton Dean ‘21 completed a doctorate of physical therapy at the University of South Alabama.
  • Dr. Katie Dewey ‘21 completed a doctorate of physical therapy at the University of South Alabama.
  • Mara Durham ‘22 completed a master’s degree in applied developmental psychology at Suffolk University.
  • Robbie Farquhar ‘15 completed a master’s degree in instructional technology and design at the University of North Alabama.
  • Dr. Katelyn Simon Fields ‘20 completed a doctorate of physical therapy at Brenau University.
  • Addison Fuller Franklin ‘21 completed a juris doctorate from the University of Alabama.
  • Dr. Brooks Freeman ‘20 completed a doctorate of physical therapy at Alabama State University.
  • Thomas Gerard ‘21 completed a juris doctorate from Georgia State University College of Law.
  • Hayley Haggard ‘21 completed a master’s degree in public administration from Jacksonville State University.
  • Dr. Kirstin Hayes ‘21 completed a doctorate of physical therapy from Missouri State University.
  • Dr. Wallace Henry ‘20 completed a doctorate of physical therapy at the University of South Alabama.
  • Hayley Huckbay ‘22 completed a master’s degree in education from Jacksonville State University.
  • 贝丝·约翰逊21岁,在杜克大学获得了神学硕士学位.
  • Dr. Alonza Jones ‘80 completed a doctorate of ministries from Birmingham Theological Seminary.
  • Dr. Anna Grace Key ‘21 completed a doctorate of physical therapy from Brenau University.
  • Zach Ledbetter ‘22 completed a master’s degree in history from the University of West Georgia.
  • 尼克·麦克克林顿(Nick McClinton) 20岁,在伯明翰法学院(Birmingham School of Law)获得法学博士学位.
  • Chandler McDougal ‘22 completed a master’s degree in communications from Auburn University.
  • 布莱克·梅多斯21岁,在福克纳大学(Faulkner University)获得法学博士学位.
  • Dr. 托里·帕克斯今年20岁,在奥本大学(Auburn University)获得了药学博士学位.
  • Larry Pritchett ‘13 completed a master’s degree in business administration from Wake Forest University.
  • Jassmine Riley ‘16 completed a master’s degree in integrated marketing communications from the University of West Alabama.
  • Eathan Small ‘17 completed a master’s degree in sport administration from Upper Iowa University.
  • 23岁的Hunter Warr在杜兰大学(Tulane University)获得解剖学硕士学位.
  • 19岁的Mikal Webb在福克纳大学(Faulkner University)获得了法学博士学位.


  • 阿朗扎·琼斯80年最近获得了圣经咨询硕士学位. 他和他的妻子是圣经婚姻研究所(BMI)的共同创始人. BMI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to preventing marital and family breakdown through mentoring and education. 琼斯夫妇在婚姻事务部门工作了超过42年.
  • Ellen Edwards Kennedy ‘69 has been awarded the Eric Hoffer Book Award for her book “Walk With A Stranger.”
  • Ken Klinger ‘00 has been hired as the lower school physical education teacher and the head girls basketball coach at Houston Academy in Dothan.

In Memoriam

  • Janis Johnston Carder Corley ' 48于2024年5月24日在阿拉巴马州伯明翰去世.
  • 爱德华·阿米恩于2024年4月23日在路易斯安那州肯纳去世.
  • 卡伦·威克斯·麦克劳德于2024年5月14日在佛罗里达州的海湾微风去世.


十大菠菜靠谱平台,根据第九章和第106节.根据1972年教育修正案第九条,2020年最终规则第8条, 其他适用的联邦和州法律, 并说明学院的政策禁止基于性别的歧视.  Similarly, 它禁止基于实际或被认为的种族的歧视, color, ethnicity, gender, 性别认同, 性取向, disability, religion, 其教育计划的年龄和/或国籍

博士图片. Anthony J. Leigh

Dr. Anthony J. Leigh

Senior Vice President for Student and Institutional Development; Dean of Students
(334) 833-4528 | aleigh@hawks.shuguangprinting.com


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